Veronica Suarez Collections Website

Sunday, March 30, 2014

3D Fashion

I've been learning this really cool new 3D design software called 3D Rhino and Im loving this class! Its mostly used by companies in the design, architecture and graphic design industry and you can design anything from cars, furniture, jewelry to handbags! I am really into CADs (computer aided design) recently and for me it has been really helpful in creating and communicating ideas. You can basically design anything you could imagine in a 3D or 2D space.  I've only had 7 classes so far and I can't wait to start designing handbags in 3D! Sometimes designers use this program to create the outline of the 3D model and then import it into Illustrator to add texture and color. Its great to create prototypes as well and to test specific designs before actually manufacturing and sampling pieces. These are some things I've created in some of my classes!